Review Requests

Thank you for visiting Reader Voracious and your interest in submitting a review request. You can reach me via email at

I am currently not accepting review requests.

📚 Every book that I read is guaranteed to be reviewed on Goodreads, and possibly on my blog. In the event that I do not enjoy a book, my review will be critical but constructive. Reading is very subjective and just because I do not enjoy a book doesn’t mean that others will not as well. I make an effort to highlight positives about the book, be clear about the reasons why I didn’t enjoy it, and to the extent possible share who may enjoy it.

I do not post reviews for books that I do not finish but will send private feedback to the publisher or PR representative.

💖 Genres that I adore: fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, historical fiction, mythology. Within these genres I read young adult, new adult, and adult fiction.

While I make every effort to review a book within a week of its release, I am a mood reader and sometimes I need to put a book down due to it not being the right time. Please be sure to express desired deadlines in your inquiry.


  1. Email me at with “Review Request” in the subject line.
  2. In the body of the email, include: title, author, genre, and a brief description (or a link to Goodreads). Please be sure to include any relevant PR information, such as preferred timing for reviews.  (Such as preference to not post until closer to the publication date.) This will help me determine whether or not I have the bandwidth and ensure that I am of best use to the author. I cannot guarantee a positive review, but talking about a book constructively still generates a bit of buzz.
  3. Let me know how you came across my blog.
  4. I am no longer accepting review requests from authors.


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One thought on “Review Requests

  1. Pingback: Why I’ve done away with Star Ratings for Reviews on my blog – Reader Voracious Blog

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