Book Blogger Confessions Tag

The wonderful Loretta @ Laughing Listener recently tagged me to do the Book Blogger Confession Tag, and I could NOT resist an opportunity to rant and rave about one of my favorite topics: books! Be sure to stop by Loretta’s blog and say hello, she’s lovely. 💖


  1. Answer these questions truthfully.
  2. Once you’re done, tag 5 other book bloggers to answer these questions next.

Which book, most recently, did you not finish?

Beneath the Same Heaven by Anne Marie Ruff.

Which book is your guilty pleasure?

I couldn’t find a single book on my shelves or my Goodreads read that I would consider a guilty pleasure. I suppose if I ever get around to reading the Pretty Little Liars books those will be my guilty pleasure, because that damn show was one for me.

Which book do you love to hate?

I cannot think of an answer for this besides Twilight, but that is hardly an original answer.

Which book would you throw into the sea?

Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll. It’s funny, looking at my review of this book from last year I was pretty middle-of-the-road about it… but in my memory I hated the book so much. Pretty sure if I were to read it now I would have been a lot more critical but HELL NO. And you shouldn’t read it either. SAVE YOURSELF!

Which book have you read the most?

I think it has to be Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut; I am even re-reading it right now in preparation for a new blog feature (stay tuned for the announcement early in August!). It’s no secret that I love Vonnegut’s work, but this particular one I tend to gravitate to more frequently than my other faves of his (Slaughterhouse-Five and Sirens of Titan).

Which book would you hate to receive as a present?

I don’t know that I would necessarily hate being given a book as a gift; however, I suppose I would be annoyed if it were non-fiction that I wasn’t interested in or a genre I don’t enjoy reading.

Which book could you not live without?

Ignorance by Milan Kundera is probably one of the most important books in my collection and it holds a very special place in my heart.

Which book made you the angriest?

It may have been like 15 years ago, but I still remember the rage I felt when reading Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Why is a book that starts with literally PAGES describing DUST considered a classic?! (don’t answer that I am well aware of the literary merits of this horrible book.) Every page was like torture to me and I made it as far as the turtle chapter before I had my first and only high school DNF.

Which book made you cry the most?

There are two books that have made me cry: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro. Both I managed to read in public and had to ugly sob in front of people. Not my finest moments.

Which book cover do you hate the most?

This is such an odd question??? I don’t know nothing comes to mind and I can’t be arsed to scroll through to find terrible book covers LOL


I tag Danielle @ Books, Vertigo, and Tea, Kayla @ Books and Blends, Angelica @ The Book Cover Girl, and Laura @ Books and Geekiness. No pressure if you have already done this tag or don’t feel like doing it!


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27 thoughts on “Book Blogger Confessions Tag

    • Honestly I wouldn’t recommend it. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Classics, but this one was just the bane of my existence and I am still bitter about it. I remember in AP English I had to read Of Mice and Men and was dreading it because I thought Grapes was representative of his writing style. Thankfully it wasn’t.


  1. Hahahaha. The Grapes of Wrath. Never read it and not sure I ever will (especially now). And I know I will not be picking up The Luckiest Girl 😂😉 Poor Twilight. I have never read it either, but it does seem to be one that many love to hate on. Thanks so much for tag 💕😘

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  2. Twilight is definitely not an original answer, just like the book itself. I would’ve answered the same for that question. And wow, I really need to add Anger Is A Gift to my TBR ❤

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  3. Grapes of Wrath! Why do they torture high school students with that nook? It’s not going to make them like reading. And there’s tons of other classics with merit that will teach and inspire students with a love of reading. Okay, rant over. Maybe, haha! Glad I’m not the only one who hates Grapes of Wrath


  4. This is awesome, I loved your answers! Honestly, you can’t go wrong saying Twilight as the book you love to hate. We all feel the same way. Lol. And oh my god, your comment about Grapes of Wrath made me laugh!! I’ve never read it, but I’ve read East of Eden where he spends pages and pages describing the California countryside. 😆 I loved that book, but man was it painful to get through sometimes.

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  5. Grapes of Wrath is legit the worst!! I listened to The Fault in Our Stars and cried like a baby in my car (I also loved it). I can’t hate Twilight…I just can’t lol Love, Christine | The Uncorked Librarian

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    • I love how all of the comments on this post are essentially commiserating about how torturous Grapes of Wrath is! FiOS is such a good book. I ugly cried when I re-read it too, which is just sad. Glad you like Twilight! I read the first book because I don’t believe in judging something without having read it myself and it definitely wasn’t for me.

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  6. Its so weird how our memory of books can be so different from right after we read the book! I recently came across a book too that I remember it as being awful but my review leaned towards me thinking it was just okay. I re-read it because it was part of the series I was re-reading and it wasn’t nearly as bad as my memory made it out to be 😂 😂

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